彩虹小馬:友情就是魔法 维基
The Ticket Song
The Ticket Master
角色 Pinkie Pie
演唱 Shannon Chan-Kent
长度 0:16
Season 1

此集 对白

The Ticket Master

The Ticket SongThe Ticket Master內的一首短歌曲,由碧琪主唱,碧琪想藉由這首歌來慫恿紫悅給她大奔騰慶典的票,不過並沒有成功,而紫悅也回應碧琪太過明目張膽的要慶典的票。

歌詞[ | ]

File:The Ticket Song.png

Twilight is my bestest friend
Whoopie, whoopie!
紫悅: 碧琪
She's the cutest, smartest, all around best pony, pony!
"她是最可愛 最聰明的小馬 小馬
紫悅: 碧琪
I bet if I throw a super-duper fun party, party!
"只要幫她辦超讚的派對 派對"
紫悅: 碧琪
She'll give her extra ticket to the gala to me!

See also[ | ]

  • International versions of this song.
  • The Ticket Master transcript.